Penetration testing

When your systems store or process confidential information, you need to be sure they are secure. Penetration testing gives you and your stakeholders that assurance.

Our team of ethical hackers will put your systems under the microscope and find your weaknesses before your adversaries do.

Offensive Security

Book your free 30 minute consultation

A collaborative approach

Pen Testing

What makes our tests different?

For us, flexibility in approach and first hand knowledge of development, infrastructure and commercial requirements set us apart. Our security team all have a background in full stack development, hosting and infrastructure. We bring many perspectives to identifying issues and help you close them down quickly and effectively.

Chris Wik
Founding partner, Dashi Cyber Corp

We offer a full suite of pen testing from automated vulnerability scans, network security tests and manual penetration tests by our CREST and Cyber Offensive certified team.

If you have never had any external penetration testing before, we appreciate it can be a nervous time. We'll keep you informed of findings and work with development teams during the test period to rapidly address issues.

The key to success is a collaborative approach and having a team that can do more than run tests and produce a good looking report.

Get in touch to discuss your requirements. We have worked on site and remotely for companies in the UK, US, Europe, India and beyond. Our pricing is competitive, we can offer fixed price services with free re-testing.

Penetration Testing Services

Web Application Penetration Testing
API Penetration Testing
Mobile App Penetration Testing
Network Penetration Testing
Enterprise Penetration Testing
Red Teaming
Secure Development and Code Review
Free and Open Source (FOSS) Code Audits

Benefits of Dashi Cyber for Security Testing

Fixed Cost Penetration TestingWe offer fixed fee penetration testing based on a defined statement of work and a good understanding of your requirements. Web application, mobile and API testing engagements are best scoped after a detailed guided demo, Q&A and access to systems after signing NDA's.
Free Post Remediation RetestsAll clients want a clean report with no outstanding actions to satisfy clients, insurers and interested parties. It rarely happens first time round so we are happy to retest and support remediation within a month of the initial report.
Specialist Remediation SupportSecurity issues can be complex and can uncover vulnerabilities not widely known or easy to solve. Our team of developers, network security and infrastructure team can help unpack issues and advise on a path to resolution that is executable by your team.
Compliance and Industry RequirementsWorking with government, FTSE or Fortune 500 companies comes with a heavy compliance burden. Penetration testing of applications and infrastructure is one way of evidencing your security posture and commitment from an independent party.
Improve your Security PosturePenetration testing is a great way to continually strengthen your defences against bad actors, bots and malware threats. Knowing where your vulnerabilities lie and actively addressing them is good practice, good for knowledge sharing and good for sleeping at night.
Third Party Assurance ExperienceWe have a background in building and hosting mission critical applications for government and public companies around the world. We know what it's like to be under the spotlight and being asked to evidence penetration test reports, security controls and policies and can provide first hand pragmatic guidance around this subject.
Certified Testers Based in UK and USOur certified security testing team members are based the UK and US. Additionally we have a team of information security specialists in India and New Zealand and can communicate in multiple languages natively.
We test against OWASP guidelines - not just the top 10OWASP is a set of web application security guidelines, it consists of over 100 known web application threats. Many test for the top 10 most common threats, we like to consider them all.
Satisfy your Cyber Insurance requirementsInsurers are getting more interested in the cyber security element of their policy holders as reliance on technology grows. Business interruption, loss of customer data and media headlines are driving premiums higher year on year and increasing the importance of good security practices on businesses regardless of sector.
Experienced Developers (Java, .Net, PHP, JS, CSS, Enterprise Frameworks)Our team is largely built on people with a commercial full stack development background. Cyber security credentials alone are not strong enough to advise our clients on remediating, defending and securing systems and organisational behaviour. We like to speak from first hand experience of being in your shoes at all stages from start up, to scale and on to maturity. Our commercial development experience includes Java, .Net, PHP, CSS, and many other commercial enterprise frameworks.
Experienced Linux System AdministratorsUnderstanding the potential impact of identified vulnerabilities and how best to mitigate them can be difficult. Our experienced team of Linux system administrators is available to provide guidance and advise.
Experienced Cloud Infrastructure Specialists (Google, AWS, Azure, Bare Metal, Xen)The security of the infrastructure powering your applications is just as important as the security of the application its self. Hackers will look for weaknesses anywhere in the stack, so we do too.
Ongoing Support and Consulting ServicesDashi Cyber offers a full range of cyber security services including security testing, ISO27001 consultancy, virtual information security offer and our unified security platform Dashi USM™. Please contact us to discuss any of your requirements for a no obligation, no sales, no nonsense chat with us.

Penetration testing services

  • CREST Penetration Testing
  • Cyber Offensive Penetration Testing
  • OWASP Penetration Testing
  • Vulnerability Testing
  • Web Application Security Testing
  • API Security Testing
  • SSO Security Testing
  • Mobile App Security Testing
  • Network Penetration Testing
  • Free and Open Source (FOSS) Code Audits

Get started with a free 30 minute consultation

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